The Role of Physical Stimuli in Enhancing Perceived Food/Service Quality in Restaurants

The Moderating Roles of Psychological Variables

저자 : 이환의[osaeak],현성협[restaurant365]

The purpose of this study is (1) to examine the impact of physical stimuli on
perceived food/service quality, (2) dining-out enjoyment and (3) to examine the
moderating roles of two psychological variables: hedonism and perceived
reasonable price. Based on theoretical backgrounds, three key physical stimuli in
the restaurant environment were proposed: (1) physical attractiveness of server,
(2) decor and artifacts, and (3) ambient conditions. Via thorough literature review,
theoretical relationships between physical stimuli, food and service quality, and
dining out enjoyment were proposed. During this process, three psychological
variables were proposed as moderators. Integrating the proposed hypotheses, a
structural model was suggested. The proposed hypotheses and model were
tested using the data collected from 317 restaurant patrons in the United Sates.
Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were conducted.
Based on the data analysis, it was revealed that all the proposed concepts were
un-dimensional construct. Also, it was confirmed that physical stimuli has a
powerful impact on enhancing the perceived food/service quality, thus influencing
patrons' dining out enjoyment. More importantly, the moderating roles of hedonism
and perceived reasonable price were partially supported. Based on the results,
theoretical/practical implications were discussed.

Keywords:physical stimuli, food quality, service quality, psychological variables, dining out enjoyment, restaurant





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